“Affiliate Marketing Tips” Contest - Win iPod or Flip Mino

So if one contest was not enough we have more from you.

MarketLeverage has decided to sponsor “Share Your Affilite Marketing Tips” contest on Problogineer for this December Christmas month.

Nothing hard, no need to signup through my affiliate link or earn revenue or so… All you have to do is Share your affiliate marketing tips via an article or video…

How To Participate:

  1. Subscribe to this blog - Required
  2. Send me your entry on “Affiliate marketing tips that works” (If you are providing any example network, only refer to MarketLeverage and their campagins) ( Article of around 4-5 paragraphs and video of no more than 3 minutes long.)

We will go through each of these entries and will choose the entry that is unique, effective & “that works” as the winning entry. The winner will get an iPod Nano OR a Flip Mino HD - winner decides either of the two.

There is still more!!!!

Many blogs are running similar type of contest. The winning entries from each blog will be submitted to MarketLeverage. ML and these all blog owners will vote for their top two entries ( Can’t vote their own blog entry ) and the top 3 winning posts will be available on the Market Leverage blog.

The top three Grand winners selected will then receive:

  1. Amazon Kindle
  2. $100 ML Rewards card
  3. $50 iTunes card

Terms & FAQs

  1. Contest ends on 31st December 2008 23:59 GMT and winners will be announced on 5th Januarly 2009.
  2. Various blogs are running the same contest, so you cannot copy-paste those same entries everywhere. Every entry should be unique and submitted no where else - and it will be checked.
  3. If you decide to use, you can only use Market Leverage as an example network.
  4. We & ML hold the complete rights to the entry submitted. You cannot use elsewhere.
  5. Contest Open Internationally & Prize delivered free to the winners (Custom & clearance fees/rules - winner’s responsibility)
  6. Any doubt, Contat Us ;)

So go ahead and try your best.. lots of time left… Hoping to get blasted with lots of entries. :D