It can be hard to make money from publishing online, and the bulk of many website earnings usually comes through affiliate marketing schemes such as pay-per-click (PPC) and cost-per-sale (CPS). With PPC schemes a publisher will agree to host adverts for other websites and products on their own site, and every time someone clicks on the advert they will receive a commission. This commission is normally a fixed, agreed amount per click-through, and the advertisers also normally agree a maximum budget per day. The disadvantage of these types of affiliate programs is that their success is limited to how many unique visitors you receive to your website each day, and whether the services/products advertised on the affiliate schemes appeal to these visitors or not.
If you are new to affiliate marketing, or have been using it for a while but not making much money, then it is sensible to get some professional help to ensure that you choose the best and most viable marketing scheme for your website.
PPC Coach is a professional affiliate marketing guidance service, which provides you with all the tools and techniques you will need to help you set up and maintain successful and profitable affiliate marketing schemes. Membership fees are just under $50 a month and for this you will get access to a number of online tutorials and guides, and also the PPC Coach Forum, where you can ask both the professional advice service and also other PPC members questions on affiliate marketing issues. Also you will get access to a number of specific contacts with merchants, which you can utilize if you are not intending to sell a product/service yourself.
KeywordspyWith this service you can run your membership on a monthly basis and cancel at any time you like, although there is no refund offered as valuable sales information is sent to you on joining PPC coach, and this policy prevents people joining the website, accessing the information and then cancelling their memberships straight away. With affiliate marketing you easily earn $50-$100 per day – so paying $50 per month on PPC Coach is affordable.
I highly recommend this program for effectively writing PPC ads and marketing. To find out more about PPC Coach you can visit their website and click on the FAQ guide. :cool:
I also love PPC Classroom, they are as good as PPC Coach.. Can’t make a difference though on which one is better.. but if you are making really good, you can try both ;)
Also, you should go with Keyword Spy – a best top premium keyword research tool which can bring down the cost of your adwords/ppc campaigns dramatically and also help you see what your competitors are doing. :eek: I think they are quite better than PPC Classroom 3 or nichebot. Will be posting reviews of ppc-coach and keyword spy soon..